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Wednesday, September 15, 2010


What is an ushabti?
Well ushabti(u) (plural) are worker bees or servants that are created by the magican to do work on behalf of the owner of such an Ushabti.

The ushabtiu's main tasks consist of removing obstacles that stand in the way of the owner of such and Ushabti (meaning answerer in the ancient Egyptian tongue)to allow the owner to flourish in the here and now.

Let me create and Ushabti or Ushabtiu for many tasks so that you may flourish and be blessed with your own or army of worker bes all assisting you on the astral to achieve your objectives and goals.

Here is an Image of one of the Ushabti from my latest collection of magickal heka empowerment tools as an offering to my clients for their own well being and prosperity in all areas of their life.

Please email me at or make an appointment +27(0)83-498-4902 to have me activate some Ushabtiu for your specific needs and purposes.
 any other info go to

Saturday, June 5, 2010


I am hosting a 1 Day Astral Projection workshop here at the Temple of Isis at Rahotepstartliving.

See details & map above. Please RSVP or contact me to book on 0834984902 or email me at

The workshop will include course notes & liquid refreshments. Please bring your own lunch.

Booking is essential as there is only space for 6 people.

I am looking forward to seeing you at this course.

Fig. 1 The Magician ANI's BA traveling trhough the STAR GATE - image credit:

Friday, May 28, 2010

100% Silver Utchat Eye Amulet - From Rahotep's Ancient Egyptian Heka Amulets collection. - available from: or

1. The Utchat Eye – Eye of Horus
The Eye of Horus is a highly protective and beneficial amulet serving many purposes:
a) As an amulet of the ‘restored eye’ it represents all that is whole, healthy and good and promotes health and wholeness in all its aspects.
b) As the ‘ALL SEEING EYE’, the Utchat amulet increases the wearers ability to sense things and gives greater intuition and psychic ability opening the third eye and all 5 ‘astral senses’
c) As the solar eye, it destroys all evil and harmful magick and is highly effective as a protection against “the evil eye” and envy and jealousy from other people

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Four Thieves Vinegar - HOODOO that pesky Flu outa sight!

Here is an old hoodoo remedy against the flu and some other nasty colds as well.

The four thieves vinegar hoodoo remedy is very old but this recipe is my own special blend and take on it.
Every root worker has their own personal recipes and this one is potently mixed by yours truly!

Four Thieves Vinegar.
500ml Red Wine Vinegar
Lots of Garlic Whole and Crushed
To this base add on of each of the following to represent one of the 'thieves'
Fresh Rosemary sprigs
1 heaped teaspoon Cayenne pepper
Sage - Pick it fresh
Fresh Thyme

Leave in bottle for 4 - 7 days, shaking the bottle every day to infuse the mix with your intentions while chantng something like: " Health, Protection, Energy, Vitality"

Once ready, drink 2 tablespoon fulls every day and you will not get sick this winter.

This recipe was used by 4 thieves according to legend to prevent getting infected by the black plague, whilst robbing the dead corpses of valuable posessions. So as you can see it is very potent as an immune booster and viral guard. It has certain Magickal uses too, but I leave that up to you to experiment with.

Please send me your comments.

It is hot and potent so if you have epilepsy, avoid the Rosemary and substitute Black pepper or Lavendar(Freshly picked) instead. Also if you are suffering from ulcers or medical conditions that vinegar can exarcerbate, steer clear.

Disclaimer: Alway check with your doctor or health care practitioner before internalising ANY remedies, home-made or otherwise.

Everyone else , enjoy the burn and amazing vitality and energy surge that you will experience due to increased health and protection from flu and cold virusses this winter.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Ok so here's the deal...

I haven't written for a while...
THis post is just to say that I will have a new post up in the next 3 or 4 days so keep your eyes peeled.

Also just shout and drop me a line if there are particular topics you wanna know more about ok?
After all this post is as much for you guys & gals as it is for me.

Take care and have a FAB weekend!

In the meantime please check outr a link to a 'one of a kind' High priestess and Khemetic Sister called Imakhu, who is besides being fabulous, also a wonderfull author and writer of ebooks on Egyptian heka and mysticism.
Click here to purchase a copy of her wonderful ebooks or music CD's:
Here you will find her website:

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Divine Smoke - The magick of Incense

We have all entered a church, mosque, temple or holy place and marveled at how wonderful it smelt.
Perfume and incense wafting through the air, But have we ever wondered as to the reason for burining incense?

An Ancient Practice
In ancient Egypt the use of perfume and incense was developed to a skill that rivals even our own today.
Not only was incense used for cosmetic use but also for medicinal, psychological, spiritual and magickal use.

It was believed by the ancient Egyptians that perfume carried their prayers or spoken words to the ears of Amun (God). Fragrance and smell has the unique capability of programming our neuological pathways to the brain in a way that can bypass the conscious mind and program the subconscious mind.
The Neter Amun Ra with incense offering smouldering on a charcoal disc

Olifactory Stimulus
Smell is the sense that makes the biggest impact on us, even more so than sight. The ancient Egyptians used this to great advantage to affect and program their minds and sacred space with a magickal vibration of their own choosing through strong visualisation and intent.

In Egyptian Heka and spiritual practice, we make use of scent and fragrance to attract what we desire towards us through the use of chanting, praying and heka spells (Magickally spoken words), over lit incense or smoldering smoked herbs to litterally charge the sacred space with that vibration and releasing its intent into the universe to manifest.

This of course is only one method employed in heka but a very effective one, which combined with ritual gestures brings about wonderful and often seemingly miraculous results.

The Magickal use of Fragrance
In Magick, The whole universe is divided into 5 elements, AIR, FIRE, WATER , EARTH and SPIRIT also called  ETHER, AKASHA or SPACE.

Te AIR element is the element that Incense, perfume and all fragrance correspond to, and also, the mind and communication. By using fragrance we can litterally program the mind and communication sending subtle messages unseen to the person or energy matrix we want to affect change within!

You are not convinced? Let's just look at an ordinary situation no magick no spells...
Say you are sitting on a bus and a very attractive person comes and sits next to you wearing a perfume that you find exotic and even erotically take the same scenario and imagine this person covered in excrement or not having bathed for a few days and pungent with stinky sweat....
How would you react in each case?

So there you have it, without even saying one magickal word, the person's perfume either attracted or repulsed you.

We can use this effect to great success by adding our intention, heka (words and  visualised thoughts)
to herbs, resins and even everyday perfumes that we wear to affect change...

Everything in the Universe has a unique frequenncy or vibration. One of the laws of Magick states that "like attracts like".
Using this principle we can make an incense blend for instance of which the ingredients vibrates (corresponds) to Money, prosperity etc.

There are many references on the internet and in books to the magickal herbal correspondences of plants and aromatherapy oils.

Here is my own recipe for a prosperity and money drawing fragrance called:

AMUN RA Money Drawing Incense

(All spoon measures are teaspoons.)
(DO NOT USE Synthetic or potpourrie aroma oils, only the best quality 100% pure essentials oils will work) - You are welcome to email me at if you would like a stockist for the herbs and oils.

a Pinch of Anthill dust (must be taken from a business or place that is very busy)
4 Spoons Patchouli Leaves
2 Spoons of ground Cinnamon
2 Spoons of raisons (pitlless dried) - acts as a binding agents and grapes are seen as a fruit of prosperity
3 Spoons of Frankincense - For Amun Ra -Solar Aspect & the number 3 is for the tripple god aspect
+- 1 Spoon of Honey (to attract money and prosperity like bees to a flower)
6 Drops of sweet Orange oil (essential oil) - (experiment using Neroli oil - sweet orange blossom oil as a  substitute)
a powdered money bill
1/2 spoon of Nutmeg
1 spoon of powdered bay leaf.

Blend and mix all the ingredients together using a morter and pestle
Pray or chant over the oil while making it to empower it,  putting as much intent for money and prosperity as you can into the mixture while chanting.
I use the mantra: "Amun Ra Oh Hidden One, Wealth untold, shower me with money and gold"

Once you have built up enough power with your chant, you can say SO MOTE IT BE! in a firm voice, which is a command to the Universe to make what you willed, a reality.
At this point in time you can now place the mixture 'as is' in the sun - see below for details or roll it into shapes or small balls beforehand

Once made it needs to be placed in sunlight for a few days to absorb the planetary energies of Ra (Sun) and to dry. A windowsill inside your home is good as you don't want insects, or weather to ruin the blend.

It has a very pleasant aroma when burned & smoldered on the charcoal.

For those of you that do not Know how to smolder insence on a charcoal (special type used to smudge herbs), please email me for instructions at:

I also offer email courses and private tuition in Heka practice.
Visit me at  or

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cape Plans to Kill Sacred Egyptian Geese...

CAPE Plans To Kill Geese –Please refer to the inserted article below:

CAPE Plans To Kill Geese - Sunday, 14 March 2010 05:10

- This article was originally published on page 1 of Cape Times on March 12, 2010
Source: -

The ancient Egyptians considered them sacred, but the City of Cape Town is looking at killing some of Africa's most well-known and widespread indigenous birds to reduce their numbers.

It says the Egyptian geese that have taken up residence around the Sonstraal and Vygeboom dams

Sunday, January 24, 2010

New eBOOK available soon!

My new eBOOK entitled: 8 ancient Egyptian Secrets that can change your life - is almost ready for download. mmmmmm writing is yummy! :-)